I’m a firm believer that not knowing what to write on your website should never keep you from writing your web copy. As a website copywriter, the thing I hear most often is “I just don’t know what to write!” So if you fall into this camp, you’re not alone. But the thing is, it’s really not as hard as most business owners imagine. So today I’m sharing my best tips for how to write great website copy, in simple and easy-to-digest terms. If you’ve been staring at a blank page for a while wondering where to start, keep reading!
But first, what makes website copy good (or great)?
The goal of any business’s website is to sell. So to accomplish this, your copy needs to be:
Easier said than done though, I know!
Believe it or not, most of the work of writing great website copy actually begins before you start writing. Establishing your messaging strategy before you begin writing is a critical part of the process, and when done well, should make writing your copy easy.
Here’s what you’re gonna do~
Understanding your ideal client and their desires is paramount to writing copy that sells. When you know their pain points, desires, and preferences, you can craft messaging that appeals to them. Do some research to discover:
Online bulletin sites such as Reddit are great for learning about your audience. I’d also encourage you to do some market research by polling your audience on social media, or if someone in your network fits your ideal client description, ask them if they wouldn’t mind answering a few questions for you!
And take LOTS of notes – these are things you’re going to write about in your copy!
Now that you’ve identified your ideal client and learned a bit about them, it’s time to get to know them further.
This step is my best hack for writing really great web copy that connects and converts: You need to figure out exactly what they want to hear – and then write that in your copy.
Let me explain.
The best way to truly connect with your website readers and get them to buy from you is to write things that make them say, “Omg she GETS me! This is exactly what I need.” And the way you do this is by hacking their voice.
Quick disclaimer – I’m writing this post with the assumption that you already have a clearly defined offer (or multiple offers) for your business. If you don’t, then that really needs to be step one in your copywriting pre-work. You need to be clear on what you’re offering your clients before you can write about it!
So with that out of the way – the third step in writing great website copy is to figure out what makes you different from everyone else. Everyone else meaning your competitors, or those who offer the same or similar service as you. In fancy marketing speak, we call this your Unique Selling Point (also called your Unique Selling Proposition – and often abbreviated as your USP). It’s your you factor – the one thing that you can claim that is unique to you and your business.
This can be something like a part of your process that is unique compared to others, a unique skill or experience you bring to the table, or a unique way you present your final product. Do some reflecting, take some notes, and come up with a statement for yourself that summarizes your USP.
Then, once you have it down, write about it in your copy!
All of these steps do take some time – don’t rush the process. I promise, when you do take the time to do all of this research and prep work before you begin writing, it will be SO much clearer what you need to write about. So don’t let the fear of not knowing what to write keep you from getting started.
If rather than motivating you, this step-by-step breakdown made your eyes glaze over, then I’m here for you! I offer several different tiers for website copywriting, including web copy audits for the DIY warriors out there, to full-service messaging strategy and copywriting. Inquire today!
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