There’s a lot of internet marketing jargon out there, and “email welcome sequence” most certainly falls on that list.
The marketing gurus tell you, USE EMAIL MARKETING TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS! And you’re like YES! OKAY!
Wait. But, how?
Well, like anything new, you need to start at the beginning to learn it. And email marketing can be a bit complex, but it all starts with some simple concepts. The first being, create some type of enticing way for folks to join your list (typically a free download of some kind, or a discount code, etc.). The second being, start sending them emails!
And to define that second step further – you’re going to send them a few emails right off the bat to welcome them to your list. So, today’s post is all about those emails. I’m teaching you how to write an email welcome sequence, so let’s dive in.
Before we talk about how to write a welcome email sequence, I’m gonna go ahead and answer this question here first so we can get it out of the way.
YES you need a welcome email sequence! Here’s a little scenario to help convince you:
You and your bestie are spending your Saturday pursuing the farmer’s market. It’s a beautiful sunny day, and fall’s bounty is at your fingertips. What could be better!!
You walk by a local cheesemaker and grab a sample of their smoked cheddar. It’s to die. You exchange pleasantries with the owner and get on your way. No time for cheese today, you have pumpkins and mums to look for.
Now, a week or so later, you’re running an errand downtown and hop in an elevator. And who happens to be in the elevator with you? The cheesemaker!
But you don’t recognize the cheesemaker outside of the farmer’s market. He does, however, recognize you – you grabbed a free sample after all! He IMMEDIATELY launches into a sales pitch for his main product – a monthly cheese subscription not unlike a CSA.
Would you take him up on the offer and buy the subscription?
Maybe you would, but I fear it’s more likely that you’d hit the button to get off the elevator on the next floor to avoid further awkwardness.
Now, imagine how your email subscribers would feel if they downloaded your freebie, and then the next time they heard from you was a few months later when you had something to sell.
Probably a lot less likely to buy the thing than if they had been given the chance to get to know you! (Read: through a welcome email sequence.)
Hitting the elevator button is the equivalent of deleting an unread email from that business owner you don’t know.
More often than not, the folks joining your email list are going to be strangers who don’t already know you. Yes, some may be people who already follow you on social media, or maybe someone who you met at an in-person event, but most of the time it’s going to be people who found their way to your email list because they downloaded your freebie offer.
So your welcome email sequence is a crucial step in the process because it introduces you to your new subscriber!
Think about all of the freebies/lead magnets you’ve downloaded over the course of running your business. Could you describe each of the business owners you downloaded from? I bet not!
But, the ones who had a great welcome sequence – I bet you at least have a general idea of who they are.
You need to welcome your new subscriber into your orbit by sharing a bit about who you are and what you’re all about.
Your welcome sequence is also important in ensuring your new subscribers stick around.
You’re much less likely to get folks who download your freebie and run if you have an interesting, entertaining, and unique welcome sequence that grabs (and keeps!) their attention.
So, now that you understand WHY you need one, here’s how to write a welcome email sequence:
Your entire welcome sequence is an opportunity to connect with your subscribers, but also an opportunity to begin planting the seeds about what it is that you do.
It’s NOT the place to come in with a hard sell though. You want your people to get to know you and like you before you truly pitch anything to them. However, this is not to say that you should keep them in the dark about what you offer.
This is a great place to share your philosophies behind your process, or your why for starting your business. The goal here is to build that know-like-trust factor with your audience so they’re eventually primed to buy from you. (Marketing 101: people buy from people they trust.)
Next, and equally as important, you need to let them know what they can expect by being on your list.
Will you send weekly newsletters with tips? Will they get exclusive access to discounts? Be clear and upfront about what you typically share, so that they can make an educated decision about whether or not they want to stick around.
And a note on that – believe it or not, it is 100% okay (and encouraged, actually) for people who don’t want to be on your list to unsubscribe. You want your list to be filled with people who LIKE you, and those who don’t can politely see themselves out!
What you don’t want is an inflated list of folks who were only there for the freebie and never care about anything else you have to say again. I’d rather have fewer subscribers who all love me rather than a giant list of freebie tire-kickers.
Showing your personality during your welcome sequence gives those tire-kickers a chance to say, ‘Meh, she’s not my cup of tea,’ and that’s totally A-OK.
Everyone likes to feel appreciated, right? Same goes for email marketing. Everyone is busy, and everyone’s inboxes are out of control. Make sure you take a moment to let your new subscriber know that you’re thankful for having them!
I think it’s also a nice touch to let them know that you intend to respect their inbox and will try to only send them content that you know they’ll love. Goes a long way, y’know?
(Sorry, didn’t mean to yell. Just excited here 🤓)
Step 1: You’ll need an email service provider.
My favorite is Flodesk, for a few reasons;
Number one, Flodesk makes it super easy to design aesthetically pleasing emails (perfect for the creative set!).
Number two, their system for setting up workflows (aka automated sequences to send your emails) is incredibly straightforward.
And number three, though the product is an investment, their pricing structure remains the same despite the amount of subscribers you gain over time. No sneaky price increases!
[Convinced yet? Use my code RISECOPYCO to get 50% off your first year of Flodesk!]
Step 2: Decide how you’ll structure your emails.
Here’s what I’d recommend:
This is the email that includes the freebie, quiz results, or whatever free item you’ve promised them for handing over their email address. It’s got the vibe: “Hey here’s that free thing you downloaded! Enjoy!”
Be sure to explain the value they’ll get out of your freebie so that they’re super inclined to download it and use it.
Why send this separately from your initial welcome email?
Because it will make your life sooo much easier. As you grow, you’re probably going to come up with new lead magnets/entries to your email list. This way, you only need ONE initial welcome email, and all you have to do is write a new lead magnet delivery email each time you come out with a new freebie.
This can go, say, 5 minutes or so after the freebie delivery email. This is the email that’s going to have the vibe: “Hey! So glad you downloaded that free thing I have to offer! Here’s a little more about me.”
Include another link to the freebie (in case they missed it in the initial email), then tell them who you are, what you do, who you serve, and maybe even a little about what makes you different. You’ve got the most attention at this moment from your new subscriber than you’re ever going to have – so be sure they get to know you a little bit.
If you opt to only send “welcome email #2” and not 2 and 3, this one will include more information about your Why, and then wrap things up with an explanation of what you offer and an opportunity for them to self-segment themselves.
Why is the self-segmenting important?
Because having a segmented email list allows you to REALLY know who on your list wants what, and you can begin to send much more targeted emails in the future. To do this in your email #2, you can ask them a question about what stage of their business they’re at, what they’re interested in, etc. You’ll customize the question to your business and what segments it would be most helpful for you to have.
For example, if you’re an interior designer, you could ask something like:
“Tell me a little about your home! Is it a.) a brand new space that you’re outfitting in full, b.) fully lived in, dated, and ready for an overhaul, or c.) mostly how you like it and just in need of a refresh.”
Each of those options would be links that once clicked, add your subscriber to that specific segment of your list.
Land this email with a final description of the services you offer and how they can work with you in the future, and you’re done!
Email #2 should fire one day after your welcome email #1.
The difference here is that you would use email #2 to focus mostly on your why and what you stand for, include the self-segmentation question, and briefly mention how people can work with you.
Then your welcome email #3 would elaborate even further on your services, and how they benefit the purchaser. If you go the 3 email route, the third email is going to have loud and clear, “Here’s what I do, and here’s how you can work with me” vibes.
You’ll land this email with a strong CTA (call to action) to check out your services, and you’re done.
If you’ve made it this far and you’re exhausted just thinking about writing your welcome sequence, I know a gal who can do it for you 🙋🏻♀️
Check out my email copywriting services here, or inquire if you’re ready!
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