As a copywriter, I get so much joy out of solving the puzzle of putting together a website’s copy. But I’m a nerd like that. 😆 What I don’t love, is seeing business owners struggle to write their copy and make it fit perfectly into the (pricey) Showit template they’ve just purchased. That’s the worst. 😭😭
Because you see, in the world of website building, the rule of thumb is that copy actually comes before design.
Meaning, you should always write a website’s copy (the words), before creating the design (the pretty layout). Unfortunately, this isn’t something that a lot of business owners realize before they dive in. When most people think of creating a website, their first instinct is to start working on the design.
The problem with this order of business is that when you design the layout first and THEN try to fit the words in, your message is sacrificed. You’re trying to squeeze what you need to say into the pre-designed spaces, and you’re limited to the sections available.
This stifles your ability to create clear messaging that your audience understands and is moved by.
So when it comes to choosing your website template, the most important thing you actually need to know is that you should write your copy first, and then begin looking for your template.
I understand that this can be a hard concept to wrap your head around, especially when copywriting doesn’t come easily to you. So today I’m sharing a few tips to help you get started.
And a note – though this post is geared toward choosing a Showit template specifically, the concepts here apply to any website template (Wix, Squarespace, etc.). The circles I run in tend to use Showit most frequently, but these tips are applicable no matter the platform!
In addition to writing the words on the pages, part of website copywriting is determining the site’s structure and layout. So as you start to plan out your copy, think about the overall structure that you’ll need for your business.
Having this in place will help you choose the right template for you. As a service-based business, you’ll need:
This is the bare minimum.
It’s also really important for SEO (Search Engine Optimization – aka how your site will get found on Google) to have a blog. So you might consider looking for a template with a blog page included as well.
And, something I see a lot of business owners breeze past when template shopping is that you need to think about how your services will be displayed.
Many templates come with a single services page with a few small boxes to display your services. But depending on the complexity of your offers, that space may not be enough!
Are any of your services in-depth enough that they require their own page to fully describe the features and benefits?
Would potential buyers need more details beyond what you can fit on a single services page to make a purchasing decision?
If the answer to either of these questions is yes, then you likely need a template that has an option to expand your services to multiple pages.
Showit templates are really customizable, but you’ll experience far fewer headaches if there are pages built into your template that can easily be turned into an individual service page rather than trying to build one from scratch.
There are 3 core things you need to have really solidified before you start looking for a website template. Knowing these things will help you choose the right template for your business, and also make the process of customizing it so much easier.
You’ve probably heard the phrase “Ideal Client Avatar” a few times by now, and though it may make you roll your eyes, it is actually very important to know exactly who you’re trying to reach.
And no, I’m not talking about “Sofia – Shops at Sephora and earns $80-$100k per year.” While simple demographics are helpful to target, you also need to think about your ideal client’s preferences and buying behaviors.
This will help you create your overall messaging strategy, which you need to have in place way before you start working on the design of your site.
And speaking of your messaging strategy, your differentiators should be at the very foundation of said strategy. You need to get crystal clear on what makes you special and different from your competition – and talk about it all the time.
Take the time to think about this and put it down on paper, because you’re going to incorporate it all throughout your website copy.
As I mentioned earlier in this post, getting really clear on:
What all of your offers are;
What they include;
How much they cost;
and who they’re right for;
is really important to do before you look for a template. This will help you decide what type of structure is right for your services page(s).
But a word to the wise – don’t spend too much time looking at your competitors, because it’s really easy to get caught up in analysis paralysis here and you’ll likely be tempted to emulate what everyone else is doing.
What I really want you to focus on is making sure that none of your main competitors are using the same Showit template that you have your eye on.
I see a lot of service providers use the same popular templates, and when you’re in the same industry, this makes it really hard to stand out.
Because remember, it can all be customized! You’re looking more for site structure and a template that has all the space you need for your copy.
Writing your copy first makes this much easier to do. 😉
If we haven’t met yet, hi! I’m Dianna, website copywriter for creatives. Here are some more ways I can help you:
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